Bahrain SALAM addressing Prince Andrew , Duke of York, on the status of human rights in Bahrain

ahrain SALAM addressing Prince Andrew , Duke of York, on the status of human rights in Bahrain
Bahrain SALAM for Human Rights sent a letter to Prince Andrew , Duke of York, to brief him on the developments in the human rights situation in Bahrain by attaching its recent published research , which confirmed the continuation deterioration of the human rights situation in Bahrain , especially after the recommendations of the BICI and Human Rights Council of the United Nation , emphasizing on its recommendations in this regard , e.g. to designate Bahrain as a country of concern in all nations human rights periodical reports, which were recommended by the British Parliament to the government in late 2013.
Report | | Bahrain SALAM: Bahrain State of human rights violations
Bahrain SALAM for Human Rights
14 May 2014