Salam for Democracy and Human Rights
Last updated: 11 October 2021
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Privacy Policy
This policy details how Salam for Democracy and Human Rights, the data controller, “we” “us” “SALAM DHR” collects, stores, and disposes of personal data that we collect for our activities. It does not supersede the terms of any contract for services, or any other binding contract of which SALAM DHR is a party.
Why we collect your personal data
We collect your data in order to carry out campaigning and research activities. We may use it to contact you regarding services you’ve provided, information you’ve given, or if you’ve signed up to receive communications from us. More about how we process your data is detailed below.
How we collect your personal data
SALAM DHR collects personal information when you engage with us regarding our campaigning activities, whether as a supporter, participant, or through other means. This includes but is not limited to: signing up to our email list, engaging with consultations or surveys that we run, participating in panel events we host, contributing to materials and publications that we produce, and donating to us through our PayPal link1.
Wherever possible, we try to collect data on the basis of consent, and make it clear how we handle personal data before you give it to us. We also strive to make the collection of identifying personal data optional where this is possible due to the sensitive nature of our work and the position of some participants in our research.
How we process and store your data
Data you provide to us may be processed by the employees, members, or unremunerated volunteers providing services to SALAM DHR. Data is usually stored in the servers of the software providers we use to collect your data, such as Google link2 and Mailchimp link3. SALAM DHR only ever shares personal data when it’s reasonably necessary to do so in order to carry out our activities.
How we dispose of your data
Data we hold collect will normally be deleted 6 months after collection, except where otherwise specified. This is in order to ensure that all phases of our activities that require the processing of your data are fully completed before we delete this data to avoid having to recollect and reprocess your data. Here, ‘deletion’ means deletion as far as is reasonably possible within the software that we use to process your data. SALAM DHR is not responsible for personal data held by companies providing data processing services to us after we have made reasonable efforts to delete your data in accordance with this policy.
How you can exercise your rights under the United Kingdom (UK)’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
For the purposes of SALAM DHR work in the United Kingdom, (UK), you have various rights to the data we hold on you as detailed by the ICO. Should you wish to find out what data we hold on you, request deletion of your data, or ask another query relating to your data, please contact us at info@salam-dhr.org.
We can also be contacted non electronically at:
Unit 16 Commercial Way Park Royal
NW10 7XF
- PayPalHoldingsInc.providesdonationprocessingservicestoSALAMDHR.DataondonorsiscollectedautomaticallybyPayPalwhenyoudonate.SALAM DHR does not use this data for marketing, contact or any other purpose. PayPal Holdings Inc., its subsidiaries and associates may use this data to contact you regarding your donation or for other purposes specified in their Privacy Policy. SALAM DHR is not responsible for the activities or data processing practices of third parties including PayPal.
- SALAMDHRusesGoogleproductsandservicesincludingfordatacollection.TherelationshipbetweenSALAMDHRandGoogleisgovernedbyGoogle’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Google LLC, its subsidiaries and associates may use this data to contact you regarding your account or for other purposes specified in their Privacy Policy. SALAM DHR is not responsible for the activities or data processing practices of third parties including Google.
- SALAMDHRusesMailchimpproductsandservicesforthepurposeoflistmanagement.TherelationshipbetweenSALAMDHRandMailchimpisgoverned by Mailchimp’s policies and Terms of Service. The Rocket Science Group, its subsidiaries and associates may use this data to contact you regarding your account or for other purposes specified in their Privacy Policy. SALAM DHR is not responsible for the activities or data processing practices of third parties.